Friday 5 February 2010

Spanking; Punishment and Discipline

There is a difference between a discipline spanking, and a spanking meant to punish.  As I understand it, a discipline spanking is administered as a consequence for infractions of predetermined and agreed upon rules and guidelines.  A discipline spanking seeks to modify negative behaviors for the good of the individual, as well as  for the overall benefit of the couple’s relationship.  A discipline spanking fills the emotional, and perhaps sexual, needs of both participants.  This is an over simplified and non-specific definition, but my hope is that it touches on the crucial elements of this type of spanking.  Punishment is different.  When used in terms of bdsm, punishment is all about the deep internal psycho-sexual needs of the masochist.  In my case, my need to be punished is directly tied to my need to be in touch with all the different facets of who I am.  Pain and punishment give me access to a part of myself I can reach in no other way.  Intense and severe, punishment is liberating, calming, sexually satisfying in the extreme,  and a path to peace and serenity that I have found nowhere else on earth.  A true sadist is required for punishment.  He must be willing to go beyond pre-established limits, and this is an art.  To punish safely requires that the sadist genuinely care about his masochist.  His pleasure at the pain he is inflicting must be clear.  I want to know my screams excite him and I want to know that he owns me body and soul.   To be continued …  


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